martes, 14 de enero de 2020


Enhorabuena a nuestras alumnas Alicia y Verónica del Ciclo Superior de Laboratorio y a Irene y Arantxa del ciclo Superior de Higiene Bucodental, que han sido seleccionadas este curso para realizar sus prácticas en Europa con una beca Erasmus +.

Congratulations to our students Alicia and Verónica who are studying their Vocational training as Laboratory Technicians and congratulations also to Irene and Arantxa who are studying their Vocational training on Dental Hygiene. The four students have been selected to perform an internship in Europe with an Erasmus + grant.

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 Comenzamos a calentar motores para este nuevo curso con el Programa Erasmus+. Este curso tenemos previsto realizar 8 movilidades para práct...